To stay on the market today, it is essential to be online. By now all companies have understood this, even the agri-food ones and small shops.

But how? It is essential to have a precise and recognizable identity, to know what message you want to convey, what you want to evoke with your brand.

Today you are present  if you have your own website. Restaurants and bars must necessarily have a photo gallery, one of the first things the user will look for. To check the atmosphere, what is offered.

The same thing should be done with social pages, whether it is Facebook or Instagram. The Facebook page is essential as we are talking about the main social network available in Italy today. There is no need to fill it with posts, just one per week is enough. You can talk about the place, the dishes, the staff: the important thing is that the community becomes a family. Of course, every post should be accompanied by photographs. On Instagram, only the images will speak. It is important, on social media, to establish a monthly budget to invest in sponsorship campaigns in order to expand the number of followers who could be future customers.

To create a website and social profile, you can contact a professional in the sector, in particular to start the business. Managing the pages will in fact be easier and will then become automatic. Remember to keep them updated because in August there is still the New Year’s Eve menu on the homepage.

We need to carve out some time, which will still be well invested. You will see your pages and the number of people following you grow. And even the club will fill up because then, going from virtual to real is not that difficult.