Hospitality and catering: companies can’t find high school graduates.
Businesses can’t find the right graduates. In Italy this is not a new problem, but now the announcement by the Confindustria Study Center arrives: “318 graduates are missing, equal to 28 per cent of the expected admissions“.
In 48% of cases the problem derives from the lack of professionalism, in 43% of cases from the lack of supply. The sectors that suffer most are those related to tourism, food and wine and hospitality, with a shortfall equal to 56 percent of requests.
In short, the market is on the hunt for professionalizing graduates, who accompanied the industrialization process of our post-war country up to the economic miracle and the entry of Italy among the nations with the most advanced economies.
In the 1950s, professional-level graduates accounted for 60 per cent of the total graduates, during the economic boom of the 1970s it peaked at 77.5 per cent. Today, however, we are just above the low of 50 percent.
There is also another interesting survey by INAPP, the National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies: 73,000 posts are not filled due to a lack of candidates with the right qualifications, qualifications or professional degrees. . With covid-19, this mismatching has further worsened, as the problems existed before.
Yet, for tourism, food and wine and hospitality there is no shortage of possibilities thanks to the many professional institutes present throughout the boot and also to the training courses organized by Fipe.
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