Coffee and croissant. This is the phrase that resonates most frequently in the bars of every Italian cities in the morning.
It would be better to say that it resonated, before the pandemic that has largely changed the habits of our fellow citizens.
According to a survey by Fipe Confcommercio, at the beginning of 2020, so just before Covid took hold in Italy, there were five and a half million Italians who ate breakfast at the bar every day.

For lack of time at home, to socialize, or even because habits die hard. And maybe coffee at the bar has a flavor of its own. Quite amusing is to find out how much this ‘precious’ coffee costs, considering that from the North to the South of the country there are considerable differences.
In Catanzaro, 80 cents are enough to secure a coffee, while in Bolzano you need 1 euro and 14 cents. These are also Fipe Confcommercio’s calculations on Istat data for October 2019. In Trento the espresso is paid 1.12 euros, in Bologna and Modena the price is slightly lower, reaching 1.11 euros. It is under 90 cents, however, if we move to the South: Bari, Cosenza, Messina, Naples, Reggio Calabria and Syracuse.
In the meantime we have also debunked a myth: it is not true that having breakfast at the bar is bad or necessarily makes you fat. And always remember that skipping breakfast altogether is bad for our body. Maybe you can opt for a whole-wheat brioche, which provides beneficial fibers for the intestine in just 198 calories.
Also try the energy bar, which provides about 120 calories. In short, you can choose. Without giving up your breakfast at the trusted bar.
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