Covid-19 has really affected the whole bar and restaurant industry in Italy. More closings than openings, even in Central Italy. In particular, we have analyzed the situation of Umbria, Lazio, Tuscany and Marche, according to the Fipe data of 2020
Starting with Umbria, we observe a negative balance of 78 bars and cafés, as a consequence of 52 enrollments and 130 closings; negative is also the balance of restaurants and mobile restaurant activities: 89, with 50 openings and 139 closings. The massacre of businesses has affected Tuscany as well, where bars have registered 172 openings and 583 closings (-411 the balance); for restaurants, 387 openings against 936 closings.

In Lazio, there have been 292 openings and 1.095 closings of bars and cafés, for a total of -803; same difficult situation for the restaurants, with 1.325 places that had to close down and 405 that have opened. Total: -920 restaurants and mobile restaurant activities.
The analysis ends with Marche, where the statistics say that there are -144 bars, with 70 new openings and 214 closings, and 206 restaurants, with 106 openings and 312 closings.
This is, of course, the result of the lockdown that has forced all these activities to be closed for a long time. Even with the supports given by the State, the loss in sales volume have been too high, because of the lack of customers.
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